15 Cyber Attacks: Cyber Attack 1/15: Man in the Middle Attacks (MITM)
/This is when a hacker can intercept data that is being communicated between you and a site/device.
Example 1: You're traveling overseas, and you connect to a compromised or fake free wifi connection. The hacker can intercept things like your username and password to websites, your email, or even your bank account(s).
Risk Mitigation: Get a VPN. Never connect to an unknown wifi connection without also connecting your VPN. More in the comments.
Example 2: You're sent a legitimate looking email from your bank asking you to confirm your bank account details. You click on the link provided, directing you to what looks like your bank's website. However, it's a fake page, and when your enter your credentials the MITM or hacker now has your information. This is also known as phishing.
Risk Mitigation: Generally your bank won't send you emails like this. However, when it doubt, always check with the sender. Most importantly, activate 2-factor authentication on any site that offers it. That way, if you do get fooled, the hackers aren't going to get very far with your stolen credentials.
Two great VPN options are ExpressVPN.com and NordVPN.com. Nord has a business version, so you can purchase licenses for your team.