Cyber Attack Number 11/15: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack

Just like our last post on DoS attacks, the hacker tries to shut down a machine or network, with the intention of making the resource unavailable to the user(s). It involves flooding the bandwidth or resources of a targeted system or web server(s). With DDoS, a hacker uses multiple compromised systems to carry out the attack, called a botnet.

Example: Most DoS attacks are DDoS attacks, because a hacker has more resources at their disposal, and can do more damage. A website can crash as a result, which isn't good for any business.

Risk Mitigation: Last time I spoke about the importance of keeping your network or website as secure as possible, and putting the necessary measures in place not only to reduce the risk of falling victim to such an attack, but also to have a response plan, if this happens.

As I always say, Cybersecurity is everyone's responsibility. Everyone can ensure their own personal and business devices are updated, and kept as secure as possible. Trust no one. Particularly when you receive emails with a link or attachment. You don't want to end up as part of a hacker's botnet.