Cyber Attack Number 15/15: Crypto Mining Malware Attacks

The final installment of our 15 part series, is a variation of the Cryptojacking attacks we spoke about in Part 13. The difference is that in this case hackers use malware to gain access to existing Crypto mining computers or exchanges to piggy back off them and mine their own Cryptocurrency.

Cybersecurity is everyone's responsibility.

It's not just an IT problem, but very much a human one, and it affects all of us on a daily basis.

Just having an antivirus in place is not a bulletproof defence, nor is any Cybersecurity technology, software, policies, training, or processes. All of these play an integral part in reducing your Cyber Risk, and improving your Cyber Fitness.

However, at the end of the day, everything is hackable, so it's important to have an incident response plan in place for when, not if, something does happen.

Your business could be here one day, and gone the next from a simple Cyber incident. It's happening almost daily all over the world. I'll put some examples below in the comments for those who are interested.

So where do you start?

Just start with one thing.