How do you ensure your business is running as efficiently and productively as possible?

If you're a Microsoft 365 business, a relatively new feature called Viva Insights allows you can gain actionable insights into the productivity of your business and maximise the performance of each team member.

Microsoft 365 Viva Insights is an AI-powered workplace analytics tool that helps businesses stay competitive and productive in today’s digital workspace. It provides insights into employee engagement, team collaboration, workflows, and performance to help you optimize your processes and make data-driven decisions.

Viva Insights is packed with features that can benefit businesses of all sizes. Here are a few of its key features:

💥 Dashboard - An intuitive dashboard makes it easy for you to access all of your analytics in one place. You can view summary reports as well as drill down into detailed reports on topics such as employee engagement or team collaboration.

💥 Insights - The insights feature allows you to track metrics such as user adoption, meeting quality metrics, active collaboration trends, top contributors, sentiment analysis, and more. This gives you an understanding of how your employees are working together so that you can optimise their performance.

💥 Collaboration Tools - Microsoft 365 Viva Insights also includes tools for collaboration such as relationships mapping which helps identify the most connected people in your organisation; knowledge sharing which helps teams find experts quickly; and pulse surveys which give employees quick feedback on topics such as diversity or work/life balance.                  

Here are a few examples of how businesses can use the platform:

💥 HR departments can use the insights feature to better understand employee engagement levels across different departments or teams so they can target initiatives accordingly;

💥 CIOs can use the dashboard to view summary reports on IT utilisation and user adoption rates so they can adjust their strategies accordingly;

💥 Managers can use the collaboration tools to get quick feedback from their teams on topics such as diversity or work/life balance;

💥 Sales teams can use the relationships mapping feature to quickly identify experts who could help close deals faster;

💥 Product teams can use the knowledge sharing feature to quickly find answers when researching new ideas or initiatives.  

Microsoft 365 Viva Insights offers a wealth of features that could benefit any business looking to stay competitive in today’s digital workspace. From dashboards for tracking KPIs to insights for gaining a deeper understanding of employee engagement levels, this platform has something for everyone.