Are partnerships part of your lead generation strategy?

We're working on some exciting partnership opportunities with some amazing entrepreneurs both in the Abundance Global community and also within my network.

I know there are many people and businesses doing it tough right now, and my heart sinks when I hear stories of businesses closing their doors virtually overnight.

But, if you can manage to shift your state, and get into a positive mindset, what I've found is that there are opportunities to work together and do great things, or help those that need it most.

Never before have I seen so many business owners open to discussions around joint ventures or partnerships.

There is so much talent out there, and now more than ever people are so open, vulnerable, and despite everything, their resilience is nothing short of inspiring.

After all, we are entrepreneurs. Being blindsided is not a new concept for us. Maybe not this mother of all blindsides, but, we will prevail, and we will persevere, and we will learn powerful lessons out of all this.

Every conversation I've had, I have either been able to help them or have been helped or coached in some way.

Imagine what we could achieve if we worked more closely together?

So we've decided to double down on partnerships. One of my weekly critical drivers is to have at least four partnership touchpoints per week.

We're fortunate to be in an industry where we are probably one of, if not the most trusted advisers a business has. This gives us the opportunity to introduce our partners to our clients if they are in need of a product or service that will help their business thrive.

We refer to our clients, Bookkeepers, Accountants, Lawyers, Web and App Developers, Systems Consultants, Sales Consultants, to name a few of our awesome partners.

If you're struggling to work out who would be a good partner for your business, ask yourself one simple question:

Who deals with your clients before and after you do?

United, we have the power to change the world.

Are you nurturing your business partnerships?