Have Your Been Breached? 10 Data Breaches in the Last 10 Years

Data Breaches are unfortunately fairly common and will not be a thing of the past for a long while.

Check for yourself at https://haveibeenpwned.com to see if you have been impacted by any reported data breaches.

Were you impacted by any of these breaches? What are some of the breaches we don’t have listed here that you were impacted by? See more websites/services that have been breached at https://haveibeenpwned.com/PwnedWebsites.

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What's your password?

Do you use easy to remember passwords because, let's face it, there are so many to remember! How are you supposed to remember them all? This week we go into some of the password behaviours found in Australian’s and a simple step you can take to combat them and make your credentials more secure.

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Cyber Attack Number 9/15: Password Attacks

There are a number of different types of password attacks. Three such types are: brute force, dictionary, and keylogger. Brute force and dictionary are similar, in that they both involve a script and a password list to attempt to authenticate against a site or service. Keylogger is usually a trojan installed on an unsuspecting computer logging keystrokes in order to gain access.

Example: On top of randomly created lists, actual password lists from breached sites are a sought after prize for hackers. In some cases, the breaches result in stolen email and password combinations, but sometimes it's just passwords on their own that are stolen. Either way, it's the most poignant reason not to use the same password across multiple sites.

Risk Mitigation: A password manager is the best way to generate and store your passwords. If you insist on creating your own, examples of strong passwords would be four random words, or a longer sentence that means something to you. If you want to check whether your email(s) or your password(s) have been involved in a breach, there is a site you can check.

Some recommended password managers are:

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