Cyber Attack Number 3/15: Drive By Attacks

This is when hackers inject a malicious code or malware in an insecure website.

Example: If you have a WordPress site and you’re not keeping the plugins updated, hackers might exploit a vulnerability and inject a malicious code. Visitors to the site might get infected by malware, leading to loss of trust and reputation, and loss of customers.

Example: as above, this time your website is sending out spam, leading to loss of reputation by spam filters, and your domain might be blacklisted. We worked with a client that had this happen twice, and the result was Google blacklisted them for so long their emails were gong to junk, they were losing business, and had to get a completely new domain, all of which was costly and frustrating.

Risk mitigation: ensure you’re updating the plugins on your website. If your site has been built on a custom template that is no longer supported, don’t risk it, and get a new site built.

Also make sure your website is as secure as possible. I’ll drop a link to a website security scanner below, and you can see how your site fairs.


Check your website security here If your site doesn’t do too well, feel free to reach out to the team at Infinite Edge for advice on what your options are. We don’t build websites, but we know some great businesses that do!