Cyber Attack Number 4/15: Botnet Attacks

Short for Robot Network, a Botnet is when a group of computers anywhere in the world are all infected by malware to create a network of interconnected computers that can be used by hackers for numerous types of Cybercrimes.

Example: You visit an infected legitimate, or dodgy website, and accidentally install malware on your computer. Either your Antivirus doesn't pick it up, you don't have any security, or your AV has expired. You are now inadvertently part of a Botnet. There are no visible signs, but your computer is being used as one of many pawns for a large scale spam attack, and your contact list has been stolen. People you know are reporting that they are getting spam emails from you, but not only that, the malware can pretend to send from anyone on your contact list, so that it's not easily traceable.

Risk Mitigation: talk to your IT provider and get them to add DKIM, DMARC and SPF records to your domain. These all ensure that your email address can't be used by someone/something else to send spam emails. Spread the good word to others on your contact list to do the same.
