Simple tool to help make the online workspace more fun!

How many of your team are working remotely in the current climate? A few of them, most of them, all of them?

Even if it's only one or two team members working remotely, including them in the workplace culture is critical to making sure they feel like they are part of the team and everyone is seeing and acknowledging what they are accomplishing.

We communicate through Microsoft Teams so we've added an app/bot called HeyTaco! 🌮 to help boost workplace culture.

This works on Slack too.

We aren't actually sending each other tacos🌮 to munch on (unfortunately...) but what we are sending each other is a fun version of kudos! Whenever a teammate does something that you want to highlight, you send a message to HeyTaco! saying that you want to give a taco🌮 to your team member for a certain reason and the whole team gets to see it.

As you work towards gaining a certain amount of tacos🌮, they can be redeemed for prizes for individual team members or pooled for a team prize.

It's a great way to shout out your teammates whether they are in the office or working remotely, helping maintain a great culture.

Recognition and feeling valued are super important, now even more than ever, with so many employees moving around jobs and even careers.

We as employers need to ensure we're creating and maintaining a workplace of choice that attracts and retains good people.

How are you keeping everyone involved and growing workplace culture online?