How productive are you and your team?

Working remotely, working from home, at the very least in some capacity, looks like it's becoming the new norm so having optics on how your team is doing with their tools is starting to become crucial.

With such a high uptake in the Microsoft 365 suite of tools for teams to work, collaborate, and meet virtually, Microsoft has put together the productivity score for organisations.

Your productivity score is a great dashboard overview of how your organisation is using the tools at their disposal, for how long, and at what times. Great to match up against meetings or training sessions!

Privacy is of the utmost importance to Microsoft at all times, so the productivity score is in no way a work monitoring tool, but simply a way to track the trends and identify the areas the team may need some extra training or the tools aren't being used to their potential.

For you Microsoft 365 users, please give it a go and let us know how you find it!

You can find your productivity score in the Microsoft 365 admin centre under 'reports'. You might have to enable the feature, in which case it can take up to 24 hours before insights are available.

"You can't measure what you can't see!"