Multitasking is a myth.

Many wouldn't agree with me on that statement.

Multitasking is just failing at multiple things at once. Doing multiple things at once just means we're spreading our attention across multiple things, rather than just giving all our attention to one thing and doing it well.

So why do we try to convince ourselves that this is one of our skills?

I'm as guilty of this as the next person!

You should see my computer by the end of the day. I have so many tabs open in multiple browsers, and so many files and apps open, it would make some people's eyes twitch!

The irony is that I convince myself that by doing so I can quickly access everything I need, yet I often have trouble finding what I need and would be better off just opening what I need when I need it.

I know I'm not alone.

Just ask my team when they need to do after-hours support and clients leave multiple open and unsaved files for us to deal with.

Leave the multi-tasking to your computer processor. Although, be aware that even your computer, just like your brain, will slow down and struggle if you give it too many tasks. We often get users complaining that their computer is running slow, only to find that they have many apps running and many tabs in each.

The minimum recommendation for computer specs we give our clients is i5 processor and 16GB of RAM or memory, especially if your business is fully cloud-based, as browsers can be really resource hogs!

Are you a notorious multitasker?