What steps are you taking to make sure your business is doing all it can to reduce risk and be cyber safe?

One thing that can be a guiding light for Australian businesses is the Essential Eight, developed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre.

It is a condensed and prioritized list of their Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents and is a great starting point for all businesses. The list includes...

- application control
- patch application
- Microsoft Office macro settings
- user application hardening
- restrict admin privileges
- patch operating systems
- multi-factor authentication
- daily backups

We've spoken before about Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and the importance of keeping your software updated, but which of these are you implementing in your business?

Tips and Tricks on Mac and Window computers

There are so many tips and tricks in both Windows and Mac environments that many people just don't know about.

Many of these can save minutes, or even hours.

Who doesn't want a more efficient and productive team?

Here's a great one if you're a Windows user that will change your life! Our team can't imagine life without it.

The Windows key, along with the "V" key, allows you to access the clipboard history feature in Windows 10.

By pressing the Windows key + V, you can access a list of items that you've previously copied or cut to the clipboard.

If you have enabled it yet, then the first time you use Windows + V it will ask if you want to turn this feature on.

This feature allows you to quickly paste items that you've copied earlier, without having to switch back and forth between windows.

With the clipboard history feature, you can save time and work more efficiently by quickly accessing your copied items without having to navigate through multiple windows.

Give it a go, and let me know what you think in the comments!

Now how's that for increasing your Cyber Intelligence? 😄

How we are helping improve small business’ Cyber Intelligence

With the media attention around high-profile data breaches in 2022, it's understandable that cyber security is a hot topic for businesses right now.

We at Infinite Edge are having more conversations with businesses that are concerned about their Cyber Security and Cyber Intelligence in general.

A huge part of helping businesses achieve strong 💪 Cyber Intelligence is education. You don't know what you don't know.

As a small or medium business owner, you understand the importance of protecting your business and your customers' information. The threat of cyber attacks is real and growing, and it's crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve in terms of cyber intelligence.

We're seeing a growing number of businesses managing their own IT. They do so because their business is entirely cloud-based and they seem to be able to manage their daily IT requirements. What they don't realise is that much more is required to have optimised technology. They end up doing themselves, their business, their team, and their clients a disservice.
Without optimised technology and outsourcing the management and support to an IT provider, they are taking on a responsibility that takes them away from what they do best. Not only that, if their technology is not optimised, then their team and business are not as efficient, productive, and scalable as they could and should be. 
When it comes to cyber security intelligence, if a business is managing its own IT, then it’s also up to them to manage cyber security entirely on its own. What we see in those cases, is that cyber security intelligence is almost non-existent.

We’re here to tell you, that wherever you are right now in terms of your technology and cyber security, it's ok. It's not too late to take control and become what we like to call Cyber Intelligent. 💻

We're excited to offer a FREE Cyber Intelligence Masterclass that is specifically tailored for small to medium business owners (and their IT managers) like yourself.

Our masterclass is designed to give you the knowledge and skills you need to protect your business from cyber threats.

During the Masterclass, you'll learn about the latest tools and techniques. You'll learn how to identify and prevent cyber attacks, protect your company's sensitive information, and respond effectively to a security breach.

This is your opportunity to set your business up right for 2023 when it comes to your technology and cyber security so that you can start the new year with more confidence and certainty.

Are AI tools becoming more powerful and viable to use in the workplace?

ChatGPT has been a hot topic lately.

If you haven't heard of ChatGPT, let's ask Jasper which is another AI powered platform designed for content generation, to provide us with a definition of what ChatGPT is:

ChatGPT is an AI-powered platform designed to help users create engaging and conversational content in real-time. It uses a natural language understanding (NLU) model to understand user input and accurately generate responses that match the user's tone and style. Additionally, ChatGPT offers support for multiple languages, allowing you to generate content in different languages with ease.

Pretty cool, right?

Let's expand this topic further, as using AI to help create content is proving to be one of the more popular uses of these tools. So let's ask Jasper what the difference between ChatGPT and Jasper is for content creation:

For those looking to generate content more quickly and easily, two of the most popular tools are ChatGPT and Jasper. This blog post will look at how both tools can be used for content creation, and offer a comparison of the two options in terms of features and usability.

ChatGPT is an AI-powered platform that helps users create engaging and conversational content in real-time. The tool uses a natural language understanding (NLU) model to understand user input, allowing it to accurately generate responses that match a user’s tone and style. Additionally, ChatGPT offers support for multiple languages, allowing users to generate content in different languages with ease.

Jasper is an AI writing assistant that offers an array of features designed to help you produce high-quality content faster than ever before. With Jasper, you can create engaging social media posts, blog posts, tweets, short stories, and much more - all with a few simple commands. Unlike ChatGPT, Jasper cannot execute physical tasks such as sending an email or contacting a person, but it does follow instructions from the user very well without asking questions first.

In terms of usability, both tools are very easy to use and require minimal setup time before they are ready to start generating content. On top of that, both platforms also provide options for output formatting - with ChatGPT offering HTML/Markdown conversion & optimization capabilities while Jasper only supports Markdown formatting for now.

Overall, both tools provide powerful capabilities when it comes to creating content quickly and efficiently - making them ideal choices for anyone who needs quality written material fast! While each service has its own advantages depending on your needs and preferences, ultimately it's up to the user to decide which one best suits their goals for content creation.

Of course, with any of these tools, a human is still required to proofread and make necessary tweaks. Let AI do the heavy lifting, but it still needs a human touch.

Are you using AI tools?

Are personal devices putting your organisation at risk?

Does your organisation allow employees to 'bring your own device(s)' (BYOD)?

Years ago, the trend shifted from strictly company-issued devices to allowing employees to BYOD.

The motivation was simply convenience. With a surge in smartphones and devices, it seemed an easier choice for organisations to just allow users to use their own devices rather than issuing company ones for all staff.

That trend is now reversing, and the main reason is the security and control of company data.

Simply put, there just isn't an easy way to completely secure access to company data for employees using personal devices.

We currently provide clients with recommendations on how users can improve security when accessing company information, but they are simply recommendations, and without having control over those devices, you're putting the organisation at risk.

The issue for those organisations that have allowed BYOD, is the cost and project scale involved in replacing all personal devices with company-issued ones.

For those that use an offshore team, it's also commonplace to allow them to use personal devices.

Microsoft released Windows 365 not too long ago, which delivers a full, personalised PC experience from the cloud to any device, giving workers and organisations power, simplicity and security for hybrid work.

This adds to the already existing Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktops (AVDs) which are a bit more complex to set up and configure but are better suited if you have a larger team and wish to pool resources and save costs.

Either of these solutions is a great way of addressing BYODs in organisations and the associated cyber security dilemma, reducing the risk and improving cyber intelligence.