What steps are you taking to make sure your business is doing all it can to reduce risk and be cyber safe?

One thing that can be a guiding light for Australian businesses is the Essential Eight, developed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre.

It is a condensed and prioritized list of their Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents and is a great starting point for all businesses. The list includes...

- application control
- patch application
- Microsoft Office macro settings
- user application hardening
- restrict admin privileges
- patch operating systems
- multi-factor authentication
- daily backups

We've spoken before about Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and the importance of keeping your software updated, but which of these are you implementing in your business?

Cyber Security Is Easier Than You Think...

What sensitive client data are you keeping on your computers or devices?

Recently, we performed one of our complimentary security health checks on a new client, and we found that 40 credit card details were being kept in a spreadsheet on the reception computer. The potential liability cost listed is probably too modest.

The computer was also missing critical software updates and didn't have a current anti-virus/security software installed.

This is a common scenario for many businesses. People just don't know what they don't know.

What sensitive data are you keeping, that you don't need to, or that exposes you to risk?

It's never too late to start. Don't be ashamed if you have no idea about your security.

Cybersecurity is easier than you think. Just start with one thing.

Still not sure what to start with? Here are some of our recent posts that could be places to start:

Password Behaviour and Management

Multi-Factor Authentication

Or head on over to our FREE Resources page to see some of our Guides and helpful Checklists!

Network Detective EXCERPT

Network Detective EXCERPT