Incident Response Plan: Why every organisation must have one

Incident Response Plan: Why every organisation must have one

Like we always say, EVERYTHING is hackable. It's not a matter of if, but when.

All businesses are at risk of Cybercrime. All businesses are at risk of a databreach. 89% of businesses worldwide experienced at least one Cybersecurity incident last year. $3.62 million is the average cost of a breach.

This is why Cybersecurity is everyone's responsibility. We may not be able to fully protect our businesses, however, we can do a lot to reduce our risk.

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R.I.P. Windows 7

R.I.P. Windows 7

RIP Windows 7.

Two days ago was the final day of support for Windows 7.

What this means, is that Microsoft is no longer supporting Windows 7.

Without support, there are no more software or security updates being released.

On simple terms, if exploits are found in Windows 7 which a hacker or malware could exploit, your risk is huge.

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