Tech Overwhelm And Time Poor: What You Can Do.

We've all been there.

It's 6 pm and you're still at your desk, trying to catch up on that project that's due tomorrow morning. You've just realized that you have to run out to get some groceries, but you haven't had time to put together a meal plan for the week.

You've got a ton of work to do and no time in which to do it.

What if there was a way to streamline your day? To make sure that even if things get busy, you can still get everything done? We reached out to one of our leading tech experts, Avaya Giri and asked him what he does when he's feeling behind or overwhelmed. He gave us some great tips. Here are his top three:

1) Automate: Almost any repetitive jobs you do every day can be automated for you. For example, replying to and filing your emails can be automated for you. It may just be a 30 second job, but 30 seconds 100 times a day really adds up!

2) Know your shortcuts: Shortcuts can be such a powerhouse with the right knowledge. For example; the windows icon + control + C and windows icon + control + V will allow create a copy and paste history for multiple items.

3) Use a password and automated form filler like LastPass. Saving the brain power of remembering your passwords and the time filling in forms can be a game changer. See our blog on LastPass!

Thanks Avaya!

Avaya Giri is one of our leading IT delivery land support technicians, plus all round great guy!