LastPass: The App That’s Saving Our Passwords..And Our Minds!

If you’re like most of us, then you’re probably juggling a lot of passwords. It’s not just your social media accounts that require passwords—you need one for every website, app and service you use. It can be a nightmare to remember them all.

The good news is there are tools out there that can help manage all those passwords for you. Our favourite is LastPass.

LastPass is an online password manager that allows users to not just store their passwords but also payment details, shipping addresses, insurance numbers.. anything that is important and hard to remember without jotting it down (please don’t!). It will save your important information, but will also auto fill your forms to save time.

LastPass is useful as it offers browser extensions that:

  • automatically fill in your passwords

  • allows you to log into sites without having to enter your details

  • allows you to generate strong, randomised and unique passwords for all your accounts notifying you if you’ve used the same password for multiple accounts

  • warn you if your email address(es) has been involved in a known data breach; store other digital records like your insurance numbers, and much more

How safe is it?

LastPass is extremely secure. It has a zero-knowledge policy, meaning that all information stored on LastPass’ servers is totally encrypted. No one else—not even LastPass employees—can see it.

The company also offers strong end-to-end encryption. This means that your information is encrypted before it leaves your device in transit and at rest, protecting you from man-in-the-middle attacks.

It's true LastPass itself has suffered from seven security incidents in the last eleven years. As we always say, everything is hackable and how a company responds to a Cyber incident is just as important as the preventative Cyber Security measures they have in place, and all seven were handled swiftly and well.