Set Up Your Desk to Work for You

Set Up Your Desk to Work for You

Spending 8 hours a day at your desk is a long time and becoming our second home, so it makes sense to make sure it’s set up to work for you and not interrupt that creativity flow. We work from a mixture of desk as we are a remote company without a permanent office space so we are starting to get pretty good at adapting to what we have available. When not visiting clients and meeting in our communal space, we are working form home and so we’ve tried to make the most of our space to work for us. Here are some tips to help you set up your desk whether it be in the office, at home or wherever you are setting up for the day.

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Productivity Tips

With restrictions easing, many people and businesses are expecting things to go back to the way things were before. However, this "new normal" will be very different to the "old normal". Working from home, for those organisations that can, will become part of business culture, and many businesses will struggle with the productivity of their team. Here are our tried and tested tips to help you and your team stay productive!

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