Productivity Tips

With restrictions easing, many people and businesses are expecting things to go back to the way things were before. However, this "new normal" will be very different to the "old normal". Working from home, for those organisations that can, will become part of business culture, and many businesses will struggle with the productivity of their team. Here are our tried and tested tips to help you and your team stay productive!

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Ways to Disconnect from a Connected World

Your home is now also your office, your kitchen table doubles as your desk and the lines separating work life and home life are starting to blur. Working from Home has meant that work and home life are now occurring in the same place and it can be hard to switch off. Even if we weren’t in the middle of lockdown protocols, working from home or working remotely can be tough on anyone who has made the transition. In this post, we outline some good practices to adopt to ensure that you can sustain this new way of working and not burn out from the extra stress and distractions.

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Top 3 Gadgets Martin Can't Go Without

We’ve all been working from home for a while now.  

Whilst for most businesses and people, it was a mad rush to get everyone set up to work remotely. In many ways this wasn’t done as well as most would have liked. A big part of this is due to the shortage we have of technology and office equipment, due to stock shortages to begin with and then people panic buying when all the craziness started. By the way, if anyone tracks down any webcams, be sure to let us know! Even office chairs are hard to come by!  

Even so, with what we have, we would all have quickly learned to love some of our tech and gadgets.  

For me, it would have to be my Apple AirPod Pros. I use them all day for Teams/Zoom calls, phone calls, interviews, exercise, and even sharing with my lovely wife when we settle in for another gripping episode of Ozark, so that we don’t risk waking our sometimes very light sleeping kids.

I also love my $30 Aldi selfie ring light and phone holder. This gets used to record my video content, provide me with better light in video calls, and it also doubles as a desk lamp.  

Then there’s my $20 Aldi Bluetooth selfie stick for shooting videos on the go.  

Lastly, our trusty Dyson heater which turns on every morning to ensure the chilly mornings are nice and toasty.