Productivity Tips

With restrictions easing, many people and businesses are expecting things to go back to the way things were before. However, this "new normal" will be very different to the "old normal". Working from home, for those organisations that can, will become part of business culture, and many businesses will struggle with the productivity of their team. Here are our tried and tested tips to help you and your team stay productive!

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Ways to Disconnect from a Connected World

Your home is now also your office, your kitchen table doubles as your desk and the lines separating work life and home life are starting to blur. Working from Home has meant that work and home life are now occurring in the same place and it can be hard to switch off. Even if we weren’t in the middle of lockdown protocols, working from home or working remotely can be tough on anyone who has made the transition. In this post, we outline some good practices to adopt to ensure that you can sustain this new way of working and not burn out from the extra stress and distractions.

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Working From Home Tip 2: Getting The Most Out Of Your Internet

Working From Home Tip 2: Getting The Most Out Of Your Internet

Working From Home means an increased reliance on internet and mobile speed and reliability.

Unfortunately, the exact opposite is happening, as the network back end just doesn't have the capacity to cope with the increased demand. According to a 9 News report, Australia has had a year's worth of network usage growth in 3 days!

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Working From Home Tip 1: Remote Meetings

Working From Home Tip 1: Remote Meetings

There is currently a battle between two juggernauts in the video meeting space - Zoom vs Microsoft Teams.

Zoom is fast becoming one of the most popular platforms. Security is questionable as there have been a number of vulnerabilities that have been exploited by hackers. Microsoft Teams is gaining popularity however with Teams also soon to be completely replacing Skype. Lets explore that some more…

Also being explored is some of the other contenders in this space, such as Google Hangouts, Cisco Webex, Intermedia Anymeeting, and Logmein Gotomeeting.

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